Monday, October 15, 2012

A Place Special for Me

Bongabon National High School
Bongabon National High School

It’s so good to reminisce the past because it lets you remember the good memories and even the not-so-good things though. Good or not, whenever you remember those, you can’t help but smile or feel embarrassed about it because right now, you never thought that you had done something like that. Every time I think about the past, I sometimes compare what I was then with the current me now, making me realize how much I’ve changed.

I can say that my days at Bongabon National High School were some of my most special because these were the days that I became active in school. Active in the sense that, compared to my elementary days where my only route was school and home, I was able to participate in almost all of the activities of the school when I was in secondary; essay writing, slogan making, joining quiz bees and the like. High school days became special to me because I had classmates who became my friends ever since the start of my day as a high-school student and even after we graduated. I also gain friends along the way whom I met by joining Scouting, Dance Troupe etc.

Maybe my most memorable part of my stay in Bongabon National High School was when my classmates and I were in our senior years where we had our first successful performance on stage for the past four years, when I won 3rd place in a Filipino essay contest for the first time (because most contestants preferred to join the English category) after joining the same contest since first year, but got no luck to won the slogan making contest ever since my stay in school.
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